Thursday, January 18, 2007

it's true

So I guess it's about time that I publicly declare the news - Jen is out of the hospital. Apparently there have been requests for an update, but that's really all there is to update.
Jen will be going to the hospital three times a week to have blood tests done, and then depending on the results of those tests she occassionally requires a transfusion of either platelettes or red blood cells. The days which require transfusions usually end up being days that Jen is very groggy and/or dopey in the afternoon because she gets all hopped up on Benadryl.
So that's basically all that there will be to report unless something drastic comes up. I'm sure you're all even less interested in reading about how we keep ourselves busy on a daily basis than I am about posting about it, so don't hold your breath for further updates. Jen's got access to the world wide web now, so you can send emails directly to her address, or ask me for it by emailing me at
So that's about it. I have to go now because Jen is harrassing me to take her to Death By Chocolate... and God help the man who stands between a woman and her chocolate craving...


Cassy said...

OOh! Outings... good for you guys. I am proud to have been a part of the original outing, on our quest for a great milkshake.

Unknown said...

I was shocked to say the least upon hearing of Jen's condition. The church here in Bellingham was so blessed to have jen serve so unconditionally. It was an amazing time, and was so helpful in getting us going again. Jen has been added to the prayer chain, and to my personal prayer time. Colin, keep the updates coming. Colin, your a wise man get her any food she wants.

The parents said...

Hi everyone
Just to let you know, Jen may be out of the hospital but she is not out of the woods. Last night we were in the hospital for nine hours .She has an infection and has to go on more meds. Visiting is going to be limited as she tires easily and is too polite to ask people to leave.

Thank you from the Parents

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,
It was so good to be able to sit quetly with you this week-end even though you felt the need to get away by having your Mom & Dad take you to the Hospital.
Remember there are better ways of getting rid of visitors....just tell us to get lost (ha ha).

David & Toni you are angels for taking such good care of your girl, and being so loving and giving with everyone.

Uncle Weirdo and I love you all and your are in our prayers remember we are just a phone call or e-mail away from coming out to help with whatever we can.

Love Auntie Pam & Uncle Weirdo

The parents said...

We have our new blog about Jen

thanks from the parents