Tuesday, January 9, 2007

In the words of John Mellencamp

Oh yeah, life goes on. Things are pretty stable around here at the moment. Jen is basically kicking back and trying to make the most of hospital life. She has however made the least of hospital food, and has taken full advantage of her mom's offers to cook her whatever she wants. We had spaghetti and meat sauce for a brunch of sorts today... the other patients had bran flakes and a fruit n bran muffin. Jen and I have decided to start a family and that has been keeping us fairly busy.
Roommate and girl-now-currently-back-in-Norwary came to visit Jen, as did Colin's-groomsman and one-time-cooworker over the weekend. Their company was mostly enjoyable (I'm looking at you again roommate). There really aren't enough things-to-hyphenate.
Jen's parents went shopping this morning for things to fill the apartment with... I saw the bill-of-sale and it was about half as long as my winning streak - which will not be contested because Jen's folks lack the technical prowess to post a comment on the blog. Mua-ha-ha-ha
colinzimmerman@gmail.com - label messages "To Jen" and I'll print them off and take them to her. If you'd like to call, you can phone Jen's cell, her parent's cell, or my cell if you know the number.. and soon you can call the apartment too, but I don't know that number yet, and it isn't activated, so just hold-your-horses
I'm still,


travelling hobo said...

This is roommate, and to you, mr. fiance-guy-dude-who likes to hyphenate things, I am still blaming you for the fact that Jen is asleep whenever I come...you are the boring one, I am cool.

Cloin said...

keep telling yourself that and one day you might believe it roommate

Angela said...

Thanks for the good news and update. Tell her I miss her and hope to visit soon. ALthough we'll see if work has killed me or not by the weekend. oh lots of children.

Cassy said...

And you are still,

Cassy said...

... I dont know what that io stuff's about on my last post.. wait.. it was the word verification. Oops, silly me... but yay for being let out early maybe... I cant wait for Friday. Tell Jen I am packing a separate "Jen" piece of luggage. Golly, the people out here must like her or something... theres some pretty sweet stuff, too, if I do say so myself... anyways, until then!

Ashley Ronnell said...

good news good news i like good news.

Ashley Ronnell said...

Yes, Sam. Yes you will go with Ashley see Jen. Or it is butt punches for you, woman.