Tuesday, January 9, 2007


So I just got off the phone with Jen's dad, and I have some good news. The doctors were just in and spoke with David and Jen, and apparently if things keep progressing how they have been Jen could be discharged from the hospital as early as the end of the week! Three cheers for early releases!
That is all.


The parents said...

Jens been sprung, but she has to stay close because she is still day to day.Colin won't accept rematches for fear of being beaten.Jen still has 2 weeks of every 2nd of going back for tests and meds

thanks from the Parents

Anonymous said...

so the question is, where can jen be found? i know, it seems like i forgot about you friend, but that is not the case, there was just too much ot this week. and i have a book that needs to be read, yes i found it!

travelling hobo said...

She's been freed!! This is exciting, write a blog entry about it won't cha?! Anyways, i shall see you all around sometime soon. Hope you're all doing well...Love from "roomate"

kortney said...

We're so excited. God is good indeed!

Ashley Ronnell said...

Oh! "Roommate"'s name is actually traveling hobo. I was so curious.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome news Colin! I'm hope she's feeling better than when I saw her...and I hope you guys are eating lots of ice cream in that apartment..watch out for that electrical socket!!

Cassy said...

How about cookies and cream cappuccino homemade milkshakes? Dont worry about the electrical socket, but m=be careful with that blender! Oh man!

Erika said...

yay! that's happy you got out Jen :). haha that kinda makes it sound like you escaped from prison or something...
but hey, with all this free time on your hands, I think it would be an excellent time to develop your talents for the band we started in first year.
and colin, don't feed her too much ice cream...try rice and tofu instead :)
love you both!!!

kortney said...

Let Jen know that I think hospitals are dumb and boring too. Being in and out the past few days and laying in a hospital bed made me think of Jen and how bad I felt for her:(